Martin, this is just too hard. So many memories. When I was little I would pad across the landing in the middle of the night and sneak into your bed after a nightmare (Dr Who scared the living daylights out of me!). You would just shuffle over and let me snuggle in. Eventually Mum put twin beds in your room and I was safe. And we always did the Bill and Ben night night thing before lights out (we were very little!). Funny how memories from over 50 years ago come back as vivid as the days we lived them. You've always looked after me. Never did I imagine I would lose my big brother. My protector. Like Dad, your family was your life. You and Janie shared the most special love. It's so unfair, you should have grown old together. You, your humour and your values live on in Chris, Ben and Jessica. You always have been and always will be so proud of them. You know I believe in my angels. I've questioned them though this last week. I can only find comfort in the fact that you left on a high, doing what you loved and with friends who were dear to you. Maybe those angels took you to spare you something down the line, who knows, but I know I have another angel watching over me. Martin, thank you for being my big bro, my protector, I'll love and miss you forever. Flobadob! Your heartbroken little sis, Heather 💔